Hi, I’m Tessa. I’m a Professor of Cosmology based at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG) at the University of Portsmouth, UK. As a cosmologist, my work studies the universe as a whole. I ask questions like: what is the universe made of? What are the laws that govern it? And what will happen to it in future?
I’d like to think I walk a careful balance between theory, data and computer simulations. To me, putting all these things together is where the most exciting developments in science can really happen.
I grew up in a little English village, but now live in the big-city world of London. Some of my favourite things to do are to get out into the countryside and back out into the greenery. My other secret loves are house plants, lego and chocolate 😉
This blog serves as something of a brief running log of my to-ings and fro-ings. Most of it will be related to science, but perhaps we’ll find room for some other thoughts, travels and photos too.