
Here are my fantastic team.

Tessa Baker

Tests of gravity, gravitational wave cosmology, large-scale structure, LIGO, LISA, Rubin.

Charles Dalang

Postdoctoral Researcher
Modified gravity, dark energy, gravitational waves, large scale structure, gravitational lensing, general relativity.

Konstantin Leyde

Postdoctoral Researcher
Gravitational waves, cosmology, modified gravity, simulation-based inference.

Anna Balaudo

Postdoctoral Researcher
Cosmology beyond ΛCDM, cross-correlation of GW and galaxies, dark sirens, GW in modified gravity, massive black holes.

Krishna Naidoo

Postdoctoral Researcher
large scale structure, the cosmic web and higher order statistics, neutrino mass, extensions to general relativity."

Isabela Santiago de Matos

Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher
cross-correlation of GW and galaxies, dark energy, large-scale structure

Stefano Zazzera

PhD student
Gravitational wave cross-correlations, relativistic effects in surveys

Elena Colangeli

PhD student
Gravitational wave cosmology, dark sirens, tests of GR.

Former Group Members

Bill Wright

Modified gravity, massive neutrinos, COLA simulations.
Now in the green energy industry.

Rachel Gray

Statistical GW sirens with galaxy catatlogues, GW measurements of H0.
Now lecturer at the University of Glasgow.

Bartolomeo Fiorini

Simulations of large-scale structure, modified gravity, dark matter haloes, mock galaxy catalogues.
Now developing machine learning projects in industry.

Ashim Sen Gupta

Large-scale structure beyond LCDM, COLA codes, model-independent MG
Now a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Cora Uhlemann at the University of Bielefeld.

Anson Chen

Gravitational waves, modified gravity, LISA.
Now a postdoctoral researcher at ICTP-Asia Pacific, Beijing.